You still don’t have one A belly full of free computer games? Well if you want more, this new steam promo is definitely for you! Of course, this is not a new title, or some have played it, in fact we hope you have already had the opportunity to play it over the years. Talk laterMetro 2033 after Apocalypse FPS. On the Steam game page, you can use it for free for a limited time.
So be careful, if you are still one of the few who did not succeed during the different weeks of the saga or on another occasion, We recommend that you do it before March 15th.. You cannot take it for free after this date. Steam usually brings a lot of indie games, for example, we told you yesterday. Indigala and its method. Also, the new game can be used today. Free in epic games-So if you don’t have it, run now!
Metro n ° 2033, For those who still don’t knowIt stops you at “Soldier”, Artyom, who never leaves the limits of the subway station. In this survival adventure, you will find yourself facing bigger “things” and greater dangers around every corner. We said we’ll leave you Attach it to the Steam page to download it. We must remember that the version you are about to download is not the Redux version, but the base version.
If you are looking forThe last episode of the series, You can withdraw it Office! Also, if you haven’t already, we also recommend Follow us on SpotifyYesterday we launched a new podcast in which we talk about video games and analyze a specific topic in each chapter. More than a catNot forgetting the healthy discussion! Please let us know how many free games you have collected in the last few months alone!
Now available to buy DualSense from Amazon. PS5 in both versions, Digital copy H A copy with the reader.