The company announced that it made the delay decision “to better explain the innovation.” So WhatsApp is not taking a step back, it is delaying its decision for now. Anyway, it is considered unlikely that the company will reject it, since Mark Zuckerberg (founder of Facebook), who bought WhatsApp in 2014, has a plan to share data for about 4 years.
The headlines of the article written by Milliyet journalist Deniz Kilislioğlu, who spoke with communication expert Serdar Kuzuloğlu before the postponement decision came:
“This plan has been on the table since 2017, it has been suppressed, it came out in 2019, Mark Zuckerberg wants to put it into practice,” Kuzuloğlu said.
Kuzuloğlu reminds us that after Facebook bought WhatsApp, the two founders of WhatsApp, Brian Acton and Jan Koum, parted ways in 2017 and 2018 consecutively. The reason for these resignations was that the two names disagreed with Zuckerberg on privacy issues. Acton even left the company, burning $ 850 million.
According to information provided by Kuzuloğlu, Facebook shares fell 9 percent in two days at the time, and the company lost nearly $ 50 billion in value. Despite the depreciation caused by these differences of opinion, Zuckerberg did not give up on his plans. The application that WhatsApp is forcing users today was heard by the public in 2019. Kuzuloğlu explains the process with the words “The plan is put into practice on the basis that it is sufficiently cooked.”
Zuckerberg wanted WhatsApp to grow quickly, as did Instagram, which he bought in 2012. He wanted to show ads targeting the pressure of monetization and facilitate commercial messaging. For Facebook, the ad equals the user’s information. This contradicted the slogan “no ads” and the encryption system of the founders of WhatsApp.
“Zuckerberg wanted to sell commercial tools to chat with WhatsApp users from the beginning. Once the companies were established, they also sold tools to analyze them. However, WhatsApp’s end-to-end encryption was an obstacle to this. The password Facebook was an obstacle. ” “It does not plan to decrypt it, but its administrators are exploring ways to offer analytical information to WhatsApp users without cracking the password (that is, without seeing the content of the messages).” After his disagreement with Zuckerberg, Acton left the company saying “If you want to do things that I don’t want to, I’m out of your way.”
So what will happen if the decision that the company postponed until May comes into play? Serdar Kuzuloğlu said: “Our information has already been shared. What will happen in the new period is that Facebook will compare the information on all its applications and platforms. It will be able to do it officially.” It takes a little more priority. Scenarios for this based on WhatsApp will appear. Who are we contacting, who is our group of friends?
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