The Unfinished Swan is a highly acclaimed first-person adventure developed by Giant Sparrow and exclusively released as PlayStation 3 in 2012. Edith Finch Relics, Yes, but I was able to play it on the PS Now service as well. But now it’s really there. The publisher Annapurna Interactive dropped the game, neither fanfare nor any kind of advance notice I know of. vapor And that Epic game store today.
The game is a story about a 10-year-old orphan named Monroe and a swan stepping into a “surreal, storybook-inspired kingdom” from an unfinished painting. Monroe pursues swans through multiple chapters, each promising “a new way to explore the world, a number of strange (and sometimes dangerous) creatures, and an encounter with the wacky king who built this empire.” I am.
Fans of The Unfinished Swan quickly noticed multiple references to the game on Edith Finch, and Giant Sparrow confirmed a particular theory about one member of the Finch family in 2017. But On Reddit — If you have any questions, it’s a story spoiler, so I won’t talk about this anymore. But based on what I learned from Edith Finch, I’m completely hoping that an unfinished swan will someday make me cry like a baby. Why do you do this yourself?
Unfinished swans will get a 10% discount from the regular $ 15 price until September 24th.