Super cellBrawl Stars, a multiplayer mobile shooter, increased downloads by 35% due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic...
Data provided by application analysis company App Annie Weekly downloads of Supercell’s most popular game, Brawl Stars, show an increase in the week of March 15 compared to the weekly average for the entire 2020.
Overall, mobile games are growing steadily, with 25% more installs per year than the weekly average of the year.
Increase income
Income data obtained from Sensor tower The Brosters also said the week of March 16 was $8.4 million, up 40% from the previous week. However, this only increased by 8% in the week of February 24, 2020.
Aside from the coronavirus, the recent surge may have been the introduction of gadgets in the game last week.
Boom Beach is another Supercell title, with revenue increasing since March 16th and real-time strategy games increasing by 21% per week.
Supercell recently launched a casual game based on the agricultural game Hey Day Hay.
PG Connects Digital #1 is the best Pocket Gamer Connects Conference Weekly talks, meetings and pitch events will be held online from April 6th to 10th. I can do it Register for online events here..
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Aggressively modest organizer. entrepreneur. Zombie guru. Professional creator. Future teen idol.