Today is the 26th anniversary of the release Fate 2, John Romero was doing a trivia quiz on Twitter and answered a fiery question that many wanted to know the answer to. I wasn’t one of them. In fact, I can’t guarantee that many want to know the answer, but I think at least one did. They saw their shot and took it.
“Doomguy’s name is Doomguy.” It’s now a canon because John Romero made Doomguy, so unless another John wants to weigh his rights.
The name of Doomguy is Doomguy. 9, 2020
Finally, you can see that his name is DoomGuy, not Doomguy. In fact, this is even more complicated when I think about it. Guy is a Germanic surname common in France and England after Norman’s conquest. So maybe Doom is your first name? Maybe it stands for something like Adoom or Doominick? Does that mean you can’t explicitly use a male synonym for Doom Guy because Doom Guy may be Guy, not Guy? The plot becomes thicker.
Doomguy has many secondary names. In the 90’s there was Doomguy, who was named Flynn Taggart, but there was also a novel by Doom 3, and Doomguy was named John Kayne. In Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal games, DoomGuy is called “The Doom Slayer”. It’s a title rather than a name, so it’s safe to call it DoomGuy.
Anyway, Doom Eternal’s first DLC was called The Ancient Gods, Part One, Standalone extension October 20th.