Thursday, December 26, 2024

If you lose your smartphone, get it back …


Bombay: Today the whole world has gone digital. Smartphones are used for everything today. Smartphones have now become the most important item in a person’s life. Today, smartphones use everything from social media to online meetings, video conferencing, graphics, software, movies, and more. Also, we keep many important documents on our smartphones. But if your phone is lost or turned off, you get mad. The person who loses the phone is more concerned about their mobile data.

Today there is a way to digitize everything. That is why most of the time we save photos of our personal life on the smartphone. If someone loses their smartphone in such a situation, the person is more concerned about their mobile data. There is a fear that photos of personal life with many important mobile numbers will go viral. In this case, we are going to tell you some special tips related to data security that can be very useful for you.

Google help keep your data safe

You can use Google to keep your data safe. Because Google not only provides the operating system for your Android smartphone, but also takes responsibility for your entire mobile device. So in such a situation Google offers you a feature where with a little caution you can use Google to find not only your data but also the lost phone with a little bit of effort. For that you have to follow some steps.

How to get help from Google?

First of all you have to go to And log in to your account. This must be the same Google account that is already connected to your phone. After logging into your Google account, you will see a number of phone records in the upper left corner of your phone. It will show you the battery, last time, date and location of the lost phone after selecting your lost phone.

Last location of lost phone

Google will show you the last location of your lost phone. If you have lost your phone at home, you can use Google Location to get to that location. With it you can also ring continuously for 5 minutes, even if the phone is in silent mode, the phone will keep ringing for 5 minutes. In that case you can get a phone.

Delete lost phone data

If you can’t find your phone much, clicking on the option to erase last 30 from Google will remove all data from your phone. Then Find My Device will stop working on your lost phone too. If your phone is not online, it will connect to the Internet. Your data will be automatically deleted. As a result, regardless of who owns the phone, your data will be completely safe and yours alone.

This important adjustment must be made

In that case, the Google service can only work on your lost smartphone. When the mobile has your login email, the phone must be connected to the internet with the help of mobile data or Wi-Fi. Not only that, the location settings of the phone must also be activated, also the Find my device option must be activated on the phone. By keeping all of this going, not only will your data be safe, but you have full control over it.

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Ebenezer Robbins
Ebenezer Robbins
Introvert. Beer guru. Communicator. Travel fanatic. Web advocate. Certified alcohol geek. Tv buff. Subtly charming internet aficionado.

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