Google Maps Street View is a convenient online software that allows users to explore the globe at the street level. But more and more, users are finding less-than-expected ones along the way.
Still, it’s not the direction of her gaze that shows her dislike of the Google Street View camera.
Instead, it’s the lascivious gesture she makes with the camera lens.
The woman is photographed with her middle finger lifted. This is a movement that symbolizes taunting someone.
The camera was able to capture the moment of insult, but the woman’s identity is hidden by Google Street View’s privacy policy.
Another joke: “Google is trying to get rid of her. Rage Against the Machine !! And machine means search engine.”
Not surprisingly, this isn’t the first time a passerby has decided to lift his finger towards the camera.
Earlier, while traveling in California, USA, two men were found pulling a similar move.
Standing outside the hotel on the main street of Balboa Pier in Newport Beach, a man seems to have found a Google car.
The man decided to be rude, whether he got the driver’s attention or just laughed.
Pedestrians raise their arms and use both hands to create two vulgar hand symbols.
Insulting the injury, he seems to be joined by the onlookers who followed.
As Google’s car runs down the street, you’ll see a second man raising one hand with a friend.