Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Gamers, hold your breath on the hottest video games of the year: Hogwarts, Humankind & Horizon


Brussels: Gamers, Get Controllers: 2021 will be a big year for video games. After Microsoft and PlayStation launch the new next-generation console in November, some long-awaited titles are expected.

Unless the coronavirus pandemic continues to cause havoc in the release schedule, here are five of the most anticipated games to be released this year.

The 2017 PlayStation-only Horizon Zero Dawn follow-up is an action role-playing game set in an apocalyptic world where humans duel with giant mechanical creatures.

Set in the wild western United States, Horizon Forbidden West is a young Huntless Alloy who must find the cause of a mysterious deadly plague and reveal many ancient secrets in the process. He talks about the latest adventures.

With breathtaking graphics and a vast open world to explore, Sony hopes the game will have an edge over its rival Microsoft when the game is released on PlayStation 4 and 5 in late 2021. is.

The resurrection of Harry Potter?

Harry, Ron, and Harmoin don’t exist, but thanks to the courtesy of Avalanche Software, this action-packed JK Rowling dive into space is full of wizards, goblins, and supernatural beasts.

Following the path of the Fantastic Beasts movie, the game returns to the end of the 19th century, an unknown era of the Harry Potter series.

Wizardry’s Wild Ride, which allows gamers to create their own characters and absorb the virtual atmosphere of “Hogwarts” in the 1800s, will be released this year on Sony and Microsoft consoles.

French studio Amplitude plans to release this Civilization-style strategy game for Windows, Apple and Stadia in April.

Players need to guide civilization over the six eras since the nomadic era, compete with historical rivals, and see if they can win with skillful tactics and skills.

Depending on the culture chosen, players can aim for victory in a variety of tactics, including armed combat and trade.

Another French studio, Arkane, is behind this first-person shooter, where the player plays the role of Colt, an assassin stuck in a time loop.

Incorporating elements from the studio’s Dishonored story, the game will be available on PS5 and Windows on May 21st, and next year on Microsoft’s new Xbox Series X / S.

Another game stuck in a time loop is this offer from Barcelona’s Nomada Studios. There, the protagonist is seen in his apartment in everyday situations with his partner.

spoiler: The murder continues quickly, but the player has to navigate the 12-minute cycle repeatedly to solve the subsequent mystery.

The game will be on the shelves later this year and will be available on Windows and the Xbox One / Xbox Series X / S.

The latest in the blockbuster series, “God of War Ragnarok,” shifts from a traditional focus on Greek mythology to Norse mythology. It’s scheduled for release on the PlayStation this year, but it’s already late and isn’t expected to hit the shelves by the end of the year.

Microsoft initially planned to release the Xbox Series X / S in November, as well as the latest release, “Halo Infinite,” starring the Hero Master Chief.

However, it was postponed for about a year after the trailer graphics were highly regarded on social media.

Another long-awaited sequel is The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 developed by Nintendo for the Switch console.

The first “Breath of the Wild Zelda” action-adventure game was a huge success, selling millions of copies and gaining widespread acclaim for its open-ended gameplay.

However, in 2021, you will not see “Grand Theft Auto VI”, “The Elder Scrolls VI”, or “Final Fantasy XVI”. Gamers will have to wait a little longer for these long-awaited sequels.

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Ebenezer Robbins
Ebenezer Robbins
Introvert. Beer guru. Communicator. Travel fanatic. Web advocate. Certified alcohol geek. Tv buff. Subtly charming internet aficionado.

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