Wednesday, February 19, 2025

CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Syllabus 2020-21 (Revised): Download PDF


CBSE: Review the revised CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Syllabus 2020-21 (30% reduction) and prepare for the next CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Board Exam 2021. It also provides links to access other important resources in preparation for the next CBSE board exam. 2021 for computer science and other subjects. You can also download the CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Syllabus 2021 (Revised) from the download link at the end of this article.

Also check:

Removed CBSE Class 12 Syllabus 2020-21 (by subject): Applicable to CBSE Academic Session 2020-21!

CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Sample Paper 2021 (with answer and CBSE marking scheme)

CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Syllabus 2020-21 (Revised):

Mark distribution:



Unit name







Computational thinking

Programming – 2





Computer network




Database management








Unit I: Computational Thinking and Programming-2

● A basic revision of Python covered in class XI.

● Functions: Scope, passing parameters, variable / immutable properties of data objects, strings, lists, taples, dictionaries to functions, default parameters, positional parameters, return values, functions using libraries: math functions and string functions ..

● File processing: Need for data files, file types: text files, binary files, CSV (comma-separated values) files.

● Text file: Basic operation of text file: Open (file name-absolute path or relative path, mode), close text file, read and manipulate data from text file, add data to text file, standard input / Output, error stream, relative and absolute paths.

● Binary file: Basic operation of binary file: Open (file name – absolute or relative path, mode), close binary file, pickle module – load and dump methods. Read, write / create, search, add, and update operations on binary files.

● CSV file: import csv module, function – open, close, read from csv file and write to csv file using csv.reader () and csv.writerow ().

● Using Python library: Import the Python library.

● Data structure: Class XI, stack – a list covered by push, pop using list.

Unit II: Computer network

● Network evolution: Various ways to send data over a network with reference to ARPANET, the Internet, and interspace switching technologies (circuit and packet switching).

● Data communication terms: the concept of channels, bandwidth (Hz, KHz, MHz), and data transfer speeds (bps, Kbps, Mbps, Gbps, Tbps).

● Transmission media: twisted pair cable, coaxial cable, optical fiber, infrared ray, wireless link, microwave link, satellite link.

● Network devices: modems, RJ45 connectors, Ethernet cards, routers, switches, gateways, WiFi cards.

● Network Topology and Type: Bus, Star, Tree, PAN, LAN, WAN, MAN.

● Network protocols: TCP / IP, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), PPP, HTTP, SMTP, POP3, Remote Login (Telnet) and wireless / mobile communication protocols such as the Internet, GSM, GPRS, WLL.

● Mobile communication technology: 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G. Mobile processor;

Email protocols such as SMTP and POP3, chat and video conferencing protocols: wireless technologies such as VoIP, Wi-Fi and WiMax

・ Network security concept:

Threats and prevention from viruses, worms, Trojans, and spam

Use of cookies, protection with firewall, https;

Indian IT law, cyber law, cybercrime, IPR issues, hacking.

● Web Services Overview: WWW, Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Extended Markup Language (XML).Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP); Domain Name; URL; Website, Web Browser, Web

Server; web hosting.

Unit III: Database management

Database Concepts: An overview of database concepts and their needs.

Relational data model: The concept of domains, relationships, tuples, attributes, orders, cardinality, keys, primary keys, candidate keys, alternate keys, and foreign keys.

Structured query language:

General concept: Benefits of using SQL, data definition

Language and data manipulation language;

Data type: number / decimal point, character / varchar / varchar2, date; SQL command covered in class XI (2019-20)


SQL functions: SUM (), AVG (), COUNT (), MAX (), and MIN ();

Bond: Equal bond and natural bond

Python and SQL database interface

-SQL and Python connection

-Create a database connection application

-Execute insert, update, delete queries

-Use fetchone (), fetchall (), rowcount to display data


S. No.



(Total = 30)


Lab test:

1. Python program (60% logic + 20% documentation + 20% code quality)

2. A small Python program that sends SQL queries to the database and displays the results. We can provide stub programs.




Report file: At least 20 Python programs.Of these, at least four programs need to send SQL commands to the database and get the results.



Project (using the concepts learned in classes 11 and 12)



Live you


Recommended Practical List: Python Programming

Reads the text file line by line and displays each word separated by #. Reads a text file and displays the number of vowels / consonants / uppercase / lowercase letters in the file.

● Create a binary file using the name and role number. Searches for the specified role number and displays the name. If not found, display the appropriate message.

● Create a binary file containing the role number, name, and mark. Enter the role number to update the mark.

● Deletes all lines in the file that contain the letter “a” and writes to another file.

● Create a random number generator that generates random numbers from 1 to 6 (simulates a dice).

● Create a Python program that implements stacks and queues using a list data structure.

● Take a sample of 10 phishing emails (or any text file) to find the most commonly occurring words

Database management

● Create a student table and insert data. Implement the following SQL command in the student table.

ALTER table to add new attributes / change data type / delete attributes

UPDATE table for changing data

ORDER By displays the data in ascending / descending order

DELETE to delete tuples

Group to find minimum, maximum, total, count, average

● Similar exercises may be performed in other cases.

● Import the MySQL module to integrate SQL with Python.


The purpose of the class project is to use Python / Python and SQL connections to create something concrete and useful. This should be done in groups of 2-3 students and should be started by the students at least 6 months before the submission deadline. The purpose here is to find a real problem that is worth solving.

Students are encouraged to visit local companies and ask about the problems they are facing. For example, if a company finds it difficult to create an invoice to file a GST invoice, students get raw data (a list of transactions), group transactions into categories, and consider GST tax rates. You can run the project you create. Well-formed invoice. Students can be very creative here. You can use a variety of Python libraries to create user-friendly applications such as games, school software, software for fellow students with disabilities, and mobile applications. Of course, running some of these projects requires additional learning. This should be encouraged. Students need to know how to teach themselves.

Students must be sensitive to avoid plagiarism and breach of copyright issues while working on a project. Teachers need to take the necessary steps to do this.

Download CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Syllabus 2020-21 (Revised) in PDF format

Mortimer Rodgers
Mortimer Rodgers
Professional bacon fanatic. Explorer. Avid pop culture expert. Introvert. Amateur web evangelist.

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