The definition and solution of: A robust, reddish wood used for furniture.. Below you will find the answer to solve crossword puzzles of Puzzle week and other games like CodyCross.
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6 letter solution: beech
Curiosity / Meaning of: A robust reddish wood used for furniture.
Populus panels (category entries with citation form and co-authors parameter) by wood compensated, it provides cultivation shifts between 9 and 12 years; after felling the land can be use plant 22 ‘(2642 words) – 23:26, June 24, 2021
Other definitions with wood; reddish; strong; use; furniture; Artistic interlacing technique on stone or wood; A tool for cutting wood by hand; Provides a fine wood; Produces white wood; Fish with reddish bottom covered with quills; Redwoods; The Irishman has long reddish hair; Reddish-haired horses; So you say a particularly robust neck; Tall and robust; Robust and handsome; Little … robust; It is often used synonymously with DIY; Hydrocarbons used in the manufacture of candles; A type of wine used in Negroni and Manhattan; An inorganic polymer used as an insulator; Korean automaker that makes Matiz; Opel __: founded the automaker of the same name; Car racers; The motorist lowers that visor; Latest definitions