On the other hand, many users complain via Twitter that these three social media platforms have been disrupted. Consumers say the problem started around 9pm in India. In some places, young users are outraged by this development. The hashtag #DeleteFacebook has started to become a trend on Twitter. WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram seem to be falling in many countries of the world. Countries like the United States, England, Brazil, and Kuwait are also on the list. Downdetector.com, which tracks the web services of these companies, also said that complaints from its users have increased significantly.
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However, Facebook has yet to comment on the cause of the outage. With this, there is no clarity among users about when the Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram services will start again. The companies working in these, on the other hand, are seriously embarrassed by this evolution. Facebook has 410 million (41 crore) users in India. WhatsApp has 530 million (53 crore) users nationwide. Instagram, on the other hand, has 210 million (21 crore) users in India.
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