In afghanistan (Afghanistan) The Taliban The Taliban are now in full control. In afghanistan The world wants to know everything that is happening. One of those videos has appeared that From the taliban Tear the false veil. The Taliban seem to be laughing at the question of women entering politics and voting for them. When a reporter asked the Taliban questions about women in front of the camera, they laughed and laughed.
This video is out of date. Then the Taliban ruled Afghanistan in 1996 and 2001. There is a big difference between the Taliban then and now. As for the old video, a reporter asked the Taliban if Afghans would vote for women leaders. Will they have the freedom to fight the elections? At this, he smiled aloud and asked to turn off the camera. Now once again this video has gone viral. (Read also: Afghanistan: human remains found on the wheels of a plane flying from Kabul)
The Taliban collapse with laughter when the journalist asks if they would be willing to accept democratic governance that voted for women politicians, and then tells the camera to stop filming. “It made me laugh,” he
– David Patrikarakos (patdpatrikarakos) August 17, 2021
A short clip from a documentary episode has gone viral on social media. The Taliban took control of Afghanistan on August 15. At a press conference on Tuesday, Taliban leaders made it clear that the Taliban had changed in the past 20 years.
Taliban leaders said on Tuesday that women would be free under Islamic law. This indicates that the Taliban will not make the burqa mandatory. But the hijab will be mandatory.