Apple has selected the 12 best apps in various categories.
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June 10 Apple awarded top game and app developers at the 2021 Apple Design Awards. The company selected one game and one app in five categories and two games in the sixth.
Healthy Sleep App Wins in Graphics & Visual Effects Category Loóna from Belarusian developers Sergey Gonchar, Yevgeny Nevgen, Andrey Yanchurevich and Dmitry Dorin.
Loóna invites you to watch an interactive story with relaxing music before bed every night. The developers say that the story helps create the perfect mood for healthy sleep.
Apple noted that every aspect of the Loóna interface has been carefully designed to create a calming effect.
Loóna was created by the authors of MSQRD, which allows you to apply masks to video in real time. MSQRD bought Facebook and the developers began working with the social network team to implement Spark AR technology, a platform for creating skins for Instagram and Facebook.
Two and a half years later, having fulfilled their contractual obligations, they left Facebook to work on their own project. Loóna received the first investment from the fund Elefund… Also in the app there are various investors, including Natalia Vodianova.
Best game in the graphics and visual effects category was Genshin Impact – with battle scenes against the background of landscapes by Chinese developers.
Other winners of the Apple Design Award 2021:
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