Produced by the Insomniac Games team under Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE), the PS5-exclusive action-adventure game “Ratchet and Clark: Cut and Divide(Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart) “, on the live show” State of Play “held early April 30, released a video demonstration of the live game explained personally by creative director Marcus Smith (Marcus Smith), for players’ reference.
In this game demo video, gamers can see the most detailed, beautiful, rich and vivid interstellar adventure stage that is presented using the performance of PS5 hardware. The planets familiar in the past will appear in different guises in another dimension. In addition, there is also the shuttle dimensional crack game that can be achieved with the PS5’s ultra-high-speed SSD, the haptic feedback from the DualSense wireless controller and the multi-stage operation of the adaptive trigger, and the immersive 3D sound effects.
※ The video contains traditional Chinese subtitles, remember to turn it on when you watch it
The story goes that Ratchet and Clark once again clashed with their rivals, Dr. Nephalis. However, the return of Dr. Nephalis has a dangerous dimensional device that allows people to move to different dimensions. The two faced Nephalis’s men in Metropolis and found themselves engulfed in another dimension.
In another dimension, Nephalis became the supreme ruler “King Nephalis”, and a rebel fighter Lombax “Rivet” appeared. Living organisms are being hunted by King Nephalis. In this tricky world, players will operate Rajet and Levitt to start an adventure. Rajet must find the lost Clark and, along with Levitte, defeat Nephalis and return to his own world.
Game information
name of the game:Ratchet and Clark: Cut and Divide
The original name of the game: Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart
Game Type: Action Adventure
Corresponding platform: PlayStation 5
Release date: June 11, 2021
MSRP: Standard version for $ 69.99, Deluxe digital version for $ 79.99
Language version: Traditional Chinese / English / Japanese, etc.
Number of Players: 1
Age classification: secondary level 12
Developer: Insomniac Games
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc ..
Agent Distribution: Sony Interactive Entertainment of Taiwan / Sony Interactive Entertainment of Hong Kong
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